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Petite màj de mon tuto pour créer ses propres zip à flasher après une mise à jour Android.
Cela permet de mettre sa ROM à jour facilement en OTA. OpenDelta se charge ensuite d'installer les zip contenu dans FlashAfterUpdate après flash du système.
Par rapport au projet NOGAPPS, il n'est plus nécessaire d'installer l'APK NetworkLocation donc j'ai viré sa mention. L'aspect localisation est maintenant géré par le sous-projet 'µg UnifiedNlp' qu'on retrouve dans F-Droid.
UnifiedNlp est également embarqué dans le projet android_packages_apps_GmsCore (https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore) qui implémente les play services (dont le fameux GCM..) et l'API Maps v2. Il est en cours de soumission dans F-Droid (https://f-droid.org/forums/topic/android_packages_apps_gmscore/) car il est devenu fonctionnel!
En attendant vous trouverez un build ici: http://files.brnmod.rocks/apps/GmsCore/Latest/ . Prendre play-services-core-debug.apk.
Why use it
The FBI or local police regularly deploys IMSI-Catchers hidden in vehicles at protests to obtain a record of everyone who attended with a cell phone (leave your phones at home by all means if you really have to attend). IMSI-Catchers also allow adversaries to intercept your conversations, text messages, and data. Police can use them to determine your location or to find out who is in a given geographic area at what time. Identity thieves can use freely available tools to monitor and manipulate communications from a parked car in your residential neighborhood; notably for stealing passwords or credit card data from people nearby who make purchases on their phones.
The reason IMSI-Catchers are so commonly used is that it is very easy to get away with using them traceless. This app aims to make it possible to detect the IMSI-Catchers so that using them becomes a risky proposition. It also aims to make users safer by alerting on possible interception and tracking.
As reported by The Guardian [http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/aug/03/privacy-smartphones-battery-life], a paper entitled The Leaking Battery [http://eprint.iacr.org/2015/616.pdf] by Belgian and French privacy and security experts say that the API can be used in device fingerprinting. The API can be used to determine the capacity of a website visitor's battery, as well as its current charge level, and the length of time it will take to fully discharge. When combined, these pieces of information create a unique identifier which can be used like a supercookie.
Interview de Sam Esmail, créateur de la série Mr. Robot. Extrait:
But Facebook is where I really have the problem. Because those are meant to be my private interactions with my family and close friends. And here we are giving it to a large corporation. ... They have all this information on us, and that's exactly how they make money, and they're going to monetize it. And there's just something incredibly dangerous about that.
There were these discoveries that Facebook has been conducting psychological tests and social experiments, and then using the information they know about you to manipulate how you feel about certain things. I mean, just think about the consequences of that. A corporation whose sole purpose is profit, knowing all these personal intimate details of your life, and then using this against you in some sort of subtle, subliminal psychological warfare to compel you to either buy products, or switch from one product to another. To me, that's just incredibly disgusting and Orwellian. I don't really know why there isn't more of an uproar.
USA did a survey when our show premiered, targeting millennials, and asked if they could go back in time and start over, would they join Facebook. And I think, overwhelmingly, most people said no, which is great. [The survey actually noted most Americans wouldn't join any social media site.] I still don't know why it's as popular as it is. I'm hoping either that changes, or Facebook changes. But I doubt Facebook will.
Cette critique transpire effectivement dans la série. C'est plaisant.
Le coté obssessionnel de coller à la réalité l'est également, surtout quand on aime/comprend la technique:
The hacking elements feel a lot more realistic than other shows and films. How did you achieve that?
I was probably a huge tyrant about it on set. I'm sure I didn't make many fans because of it, because it takes a lot of work. Everything from the writing of it, to the execution, to the production design, to the shooting, we don't shoot any green screen when we deal with a computer screen. That's all done practically. So that required a production design to build all the screens beforehand. And it required our tech consultants to walk us through what those screens would look like. And then it required the actors to follow all the commands and type all the commands that an actual hacker would need to do. All of that required a lot of time and energy and money. And then in post [production] if I saw something that wasn't right, we had to fix it and redo it by reshooting those screens.
I became incredibly obsessive about it because I just think in reality, this is what goes on. These screens are not fake. I never wanted to conjure anything up, or fake anything, because the reality of it is far way more interesting than anything I could imagine. There were times when people wanted to take shortcuts and I started to understand why I was frustrated all these years. People think that that's not the drama; it's not in the coding. Which they're right, but if you start fudging on that, you lose the credibility of the world. And if that starts to go, then the drama goes with it. I hope we proved it.
On paye/force des gens pour utiliser ce malware qu'est Windows? Ou bien les gens l'utilisent de leur plein gré?
Quelqu'un(e) aurait un modèle de mail tout prêt à envoyer à des amis qui partagent leurs carnets d'adresse inconsciemment ou pas, pour leur expliquer gentiment que c'est pas sympa de donner notre mail perso à des entreprises privées qui peuvent les réutiliser, et qu'il faut arrêter parce que ça fait franchement chier!
Dans l'exemple en question, il y a à la fois le faux bon sentiment de vouloir faire profiter d'une réduction (qui est surtout là pour que tu te créées un putain de compte) et surtout le coté égoïste de vouloir arroser/emmerder ses amis pour obtenir une réduction. Moi j'ai rien demandé.
Windows is universal malware. Any nasty thing could be put into Windows tomorrow and users would have no way to stop it, except by defenestrating their computer. e.g. throwing the Windows out of the computer.
Rappel pour les utilisateurs de Atom:
Supprimez ou désactivez le paquet "metrics" qui envoie vos comportements à Google Analytics.
settings > packages > core packages > metrics
D'une manière générale il ne faut pas se leurrer :
Si les google play services sont installés tu peux imaginer un tas d'autre trucs que google peut faire avec tes données à ton insu.
This extension provides a toolbar panel for easily altering Firefox's built-in privacy settings.
The extension is based on the list provided by https://github.com/amq/firefox-debloat
C'est juste parfait.
If the draft rules are adopted, any registrar that shields your whois data with a proxy service would be required to actually track your use of your domains and websites. They could be forced to cancel your privacy service and expose your data, or turn it over to anyone who complains about a site allegedly violating a trademark or a copyright.
Most worryingly, no court order, search warrant, or similar due process would be required. Yes, we are holding our noses, too: this stinks.
Gandi is asking everyone who has a stake in this to please check out the save domain privacy website at https://www.savedomainprivacy.org. If you agree with us (and a whole lot of other people) that these proposals stink, please, sign the petition. If you have time, and you really care about domain privacy, please read the proposal [http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/raa/ppsai-initial-05may15-en.pdf], give some careful thought to them, and submit your comments. Even if you feel strongly, there is no need to be anything other than constructively critical of what you don't like, and sincerely complimentary of what you do. Epithets (and, for that matter, adulation) belong on social media for your favorite pop stars, not as part of a serious, important policy-making, Internet-changing, multistakeholder process. We encourage you to engage, like Gandi does, with ICANN, and let your voice be heard.
It's your Internet.
Je cite ce commentaire (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/04/opinion/zeynep-tufekci-mark-zuckerberg-let-me-pay-for-facebook.html#permid=15134098)
Or just stay off Facebook and keep your data, money and time to yourself. What a concept.
Pour rappel, Slack permet de lire les conversations privées des employés à partir du pack plus (https://iscool.slack.com/pricing/ + https://iscool.slack.com/pricing/plus)
Donc voilà.
EDIT: Mais il semblerait que la société derrière Slack s'assure que cette feature est utilisée correctement et que les membres sont notifiés:
We understand that team members may be concerned about team owners having access to their private communications. So we’ve added some protections to ensure that it’s being used appropriately. The most important of which is that this feature is not retroactive. Past private conversations will remain private. In addition, here are some of the steps we are taking and limitations we’ve put in place:
Once the feature is enabled, we will notify team members via Slack that the feature is active and that their private messages are subject to export.
source: http://slackhq.com/post/103473448150/slacks-policy-update
Récap des spywares que l'on trouve dans les logiciels propriétaires (ou privateurs comme le dirait notre guru^w^wStallman).
Stop Firefox leaking data about you
Les paramètres about:config pour rendre firefox plus respectueux de notre intimité.
Saviez-vous qu'en utilisant Windows 10, un identifiant publicitaire unique vous est attribué, exploitable par les développeurs et les annonceurs ? Ou que par défaut, Microsoft envoie tous vos mots de passe vers ses serveurs lorsque vous associez l'ordinateur à un compte Microsoft ? Ce sont quelques unes des informations figurant dans la nouvelle Déclaration de Confidentialité de Microsoft, dont nous citons les principaux extraits.
Y'a encore des shaarlistes qui utilisent windows?
Si oui, c'est par choix ou nécessité?
Article qui relate le sentiment d'isolement de ceux qui, comme lui (et comme moi), ont choisi de ne pas être sur facebook. Beau travail, et l'auteur n'a que 18 ans. Ca promet. :)
feat Aeris, l'extremiste fier de l'être (https://blog.imirhil.fr/extremiste-oui-et-meme-fier-de-letre.html)
origine: http://www.slate.fr/story/101631/internet-hyper-prudent
hu hu, c'est bourrin mais c'est très tentant.
article cité dans le mail automatique : http://id-libre.org/projet-autoblog/autoblogs/bloglibreorg_8a5b5202f3a146b40eacffa03384c1ff4d468770/?et-puis-merde-%C3%A0-la-vie-priv%C3%A9e