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I'm a big fan of serverspec but there are times the ruby tool chain behind it can be an annoyance and result in lots of baggage being installed. This isn't a major problem on development machines, where many of the gems will already exist, but on production hosts the runtime dependencies can be comparatively heavy. To avoid this I've started looking at possible alternatives and one young, but promising, project is Goss - the tool for 'Quick and Easy server validation'.
alternative à serverspec, écrit en GO.
Il est donc nécessaire de former et d’accompagner les développeurs aux pratiques de développement, mais aussi de leur donner le temps de pratiquer au quotidien. En effet, en plus d’assurer le bon fonctionnement de son application, ces pratiques coûtent moins cher sur le long terme à l’entreprise !
At present, the state of the art in testing system automation code appears to be, “spin up a test system, run the manifest/state/whatever, and then use something like serverspec or testinfra to SSH in and make sure everything looks OK”. It’s automated, at least, but it isn’t exactly a quick process. Many people don’t even apply that degree of rigour to their system config systems, and rely on manual testing, or even just “doing it live!”, to shake out the bugs they’ve introduced.
rhoo le pic sur saltstack à la fin de l'article! ><