397 liens privés
Résolution de l'année: arrêter d'utiliser netstat!
'ss' appartient au paquet iproute2 dont voici une grosse doc: https://jeekajoo.eu/links/?g3Er4g
iproute2 remplace net-tools (ifconfig, route, netstat, arp...) qui est déprécié depuis 2009: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/03/msg00780.html
du -x --max-depth=1|sort -rn|awk -F / -v c=$COLUMNS 'NR==1{t=$1}NR>1{r=c$1/t+0.5;printf " %5.2f%% \033[1;7;31m%s\033[0m %s\n",100*$1/t,r,"",$2}'|tac
via le commentaire en bas de page
sp is a command-line client for Spotify's dbus interface. Play, pause, skip and search tracks from the comfort of your command line.
EDIT: utilisez plutôt ce fork à jour https://gist.github.com/nikreiman/d1beb44fbfb38a529361 et qui fonctionnera avec la beta
PathPicker accepts a wide range of input -- output from git commands, grep results, searches -- pretty much anything.
After parsing the input, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in. After that you can open them in your favorite editor or execute arbitrary commands.
pas mal..
sinon y'a peco: https://github.com/peco/peco
n'ai marre de le ddg à chaque fois celui là.
donc COUDE!
hum... va falloir que je me mette à jour. je découvre la commande 'ss'...
via http://www.mypersonnaldata.eu/shaarli/?OeIV2w
"The USE Method provides a strategy for performing a complete check of system health, identifying common bottlenecks and errors. For each system resource, metrics for utilization, saturation and errors are identified and checked. Any issues discovered are then investigated using further strategies."