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git-appraise - Distributed code review system for Git repos
This tool is the first distributed code review system for git repos.
By "distributed", we mean that code reviews are stored inside of the repository as git objects. Every developer on your team has their own copy of the review history that they can push or pull. When pulling, updates from the remote repo are automatically merged by the tool.
This design removes the need for any sort of server-side setup. As a result, this tool can work with any git hosting provider, and the only setup required is installing the client on your workstation.
dans la continuité de mon précédent shaarlink, cloudflare explique pourquoi ils ont forké postgresql pour leurs besoins de stockage d'évènements nginx..
CitusDB has also maintained compatibility with PostgreSQL, not by forking the code base like other vendors, but by extending it to plan and execute distributed queries. Furthermore, CitusDB used the concept of many logical shards so that if we were to add new machines to our cluster, we could easily rebalance the shards in the cluster by calling a simple PostgreSQL user-defined function.
With CitusDB, we could replicate logical shards to independent machines in the cluster, and automatically fail over between replicas even during queries. In case of a hardware failure, we could also use the rebalance function to re-replicate shards in the cluster.
D'après ce théorème, un système de calcul distribué ne peut garantir à un instant T que deux de ces contraintes mais pas les trois.
Je cite:
"In theoretical computer science, the CAP theorem, also known as Brewer's theorem, states that it is impossible for a distributed computer system to simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees:
- Consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time)
- Availability (a guarantee that every request receives a response about whether it was successful or failed)
- Partition tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss or failure of part of the system)
According to the theorem, a distributed system cannot satisfy all three of these guarantees at the same time."
Damien Cauquil (@virtualabs) vient de lancer "vodstok" en beta.
C'est un logiciel libre de stockage chiffré, distribué et basé sur :
- Crypto-JS
- jQuery
- Filsaver.js
Pour installer son propre pod, le code est là https://github.com/virtualabs/Vodstok .
Une fois le pod déclaré, celui-ci peut être utilisé pour stocker des morceaux (chunks) de documents de "n'importe qui". On peut préciser la taille qu'on veut allouer à ce stockage.
Toute donnée est chiffrée en AES128 et une clé est nécessaire pour déchiffrer le contenu, cela veut dire que personne ne peut savoir ce qui est stocké sur ces pods. Sur le papier ça parait ingénieux.