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I'm a big fan of serverspec but there are times the ruby tool chain behind it can be an annoyance and result in lots of baggage being installed. This isn't a major problem on development machines, where many of the gems will already exist, but on production hosts the runtime dependencies can be comparatively heavy. To avoid this I've started looking at possible alternatives and one young, but promising, project is Goss - the tool for 'Quick and Easy server validation'.
alternative à serverspec, écrit en GO.
un troll de compétition sous forme de projet github
Any similarities with a current event concerning (but not limited to) a multinational automobile manufacturer are purely coincidental.
DEP stands for "Debian Enhancement Proposals". DEP8 is about package testing, specifically post-install (as opposed to dh_auto_test which runs during package build, usually for unit tests). It's great for integration tests, etc. that have more interesting requirements for running than unit tests normally do.
The problem is that the spec is a little bit long in the tooth for casual reading / understanding-at-a-glance.
What follows is my own personal TL;DR version.
First of all, we retrieve all PHPUnit groups by running a container with the phpunit --list-group command.
Next the gnu parallel command helps us to run tests for each group in parallel. Each task is launched by one core of your processor. If you've got a large cruiser with 8 core then you can run 8 tests group simultaneously.
c'est cool la commande parallel.
$ cat test
$ cat test | parallel sleep {}
ça lance simultanément un
$ sleep 20
$ sleep 30
$ sleep 40
xargs peut faire la même chose mais c'est plus chiant parce que faut indiquer '-P' (max-procs):
$ echo {1..5} | xargs -n 1 -P 5 sleep
tester la fiabilité, résilience et persistence d'une infra distribuée
haha :)
Nous on l'a imprimé avec l'imprimante couleur du boulot..
Maintenant on espère juste qu'elle ne sera pas prise au premier degré.
L'affiche est là: http://www.commitstrip.com/shop/45/affiche-tester-c-est-douter.jpg
une petit programme qui permet de tester les performances d'une appli web.
l'avantage par rapport à apachebench (ab) c'est sa faculté de passer des headers, la barre de progression et la légèreté.
$ boom --help
usage: boom [-h] [--version] [-m {GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,HEAD,OPTIONS}]
[--content-type CONTENT_TYPE] [-D DATA] [-c CONCURRENCY] [-a AUTH]
[--header HEADER] [--hook HOOK] [--json-output]
Ce service est une tuerie.
En plus le code est libre https://github.com/WPO-Foundation/webpagetest
Pour faire tourner sa propre instance : https://sites.google.com/a/webpagetest.org/docs/private-instances
à utiliser avec le client httpie (https://github.com/jkbr/httpie) ou cURL.