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article supprimé mais image vagrant toujours existante.
Shashlik is basically a set of software components that allow Linux users to install and run Android APKs right on their GNU/Linux distribution. Shash...
Last friday, James Shubin (purpleidea) came to the Montreal Red Hat office to talk about his project: Oh-my-vagrant. In a nutshell, Oh-my-vagrant (also called OMV) is a Vagrant wrapper, that helps …
Vagrant avec libvirt/KVM comme backend, facilement grâce à Oh-my-vagrant.
nouvel article sur mon blog :)
j'y explique comment on peut utiliser LXC sur Debian Wheezy pour créer des containers rapidement et simplement.
la partie virtu avec LXC m'interesse bien
via http://shaarli.cafai.fr/?N_S1JA
"Packer is lightweight, runs on every major operating system, and is highly performant, creating machine images for multiple platforms in parallel. Packer comes out of the box with support for creating AMIs (EC2), VMware images, and VirtualBox images. Support for more platforms can be added via plugins.
The images that Packer creates can easily be turned into Vagrant boxes."
Me Gusta! outil ajouté à la grande liste des trucs à tester..