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L'appli stock sms a été supprimé dans android 4.4
En gros, de base, pour envoyer des sms c'est hangout ou rien...
8sms est une application alternative qui est un port de l'appli stock (android 4.3 / CM 10.2).
Je n'ai pas trouvé les sources.. donc poubelle pour l'instant.
Autres applis sms libres:
https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thoughtcrime.securesms&hl=en)
* edit: j'ai posé la question pourquoi les sources sont absentes, voici la réponse du développeur ***
Hi, sorry, but I don't feel like releasing the source code at the moment. I don't really want someone with a big marketing budget taking the code, use it in a competing app, and then win more exposure simply because they've got more money for marketing (and drown out 8sms in the process).
8sms is still a very small app, and marketing resources is something I definitely don't have.
When 8sms gets enough users that I don't have to fear this happening, then I'll revisit this decision.
In the mean time, if you really want source code, you can download them from Cyanogenmod. It's 98% the same code.
seems legit.