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I also recommend that you campaign under a banner of safe streets for everyone. Once again, bringing it back to an issue of inclusivity. You need to avoid being seen by the public as a special interest group. That outlier label is going to be a difficult one to kick. You don’t want to make it any easier for those motorists to hate on you. It is not only motorists either. It always pains me when I see pedestrian advocates firing barbs at cyclists who ride on the footpath but somehow manage to sidestep the reality of the caroverkill situation and how it has arisen.
Cet article est très riche, bien écrit, fondamental.
L'auteur explique que réclamer de meilleures infras pour obtenir plus de monde à vélo n'est pas suffisant. Il faut en parallèle travailler sur la culture vélo et favoriser son développement, en abaissant les vitesses par exemple (30 en ville).
Hop, blog rajouté dans mes flux rss.