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Comme on a aucune idée de connaitre les perfs disque et réseau des instances ec2 (sauf en testant par soi-même), certains on fait des benchs.
Les résultats de ces benchs, qui testent les perfs réseau, montrent qu'on a intérêt à faire attention dans les choix d'instance....
In our experiment we saw that the network performance of m1.large was lower than that of m1.medium. As per AWS documentation, the network performance of both m1.medium and m1.large is ‘moderate’ so we expected it to be similar. We also see that the network bandwidth of m3.medium is less than that of m1.small even though AWS documentation says that the network performance m3.medium is ‘moderate’ while that of m1.small is ‘low’. Network performance often depends on various scenarios like the network load on the actual hardware on which the VM is running. This might be a possible reason for this anomaly.
voir aussi https://jeekajoo.eu/links/?GblCKw pour des comparaisons perf cpu/mem/disk