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The European Commission has warned EU citizens that they should close their Facebook accounts if they want to keep information private from US security services, finding that current Safe Harbour legislation does not protect citizen’s data.
et je cite ce commentaire
It essentially means US Government (via companies) has more information of EU citizens than their own Governments. Which implies that US government also have more control over EU citizens.
We already know that Facebook has conducted studies of manipulating User emotions in the past. It wont be surprising if US government were to influence Election outcomes of EU governments by using data and manipulating user opinion by giving filtered view.
US has time and again demonstrated that their national interest takes priority over other countries democracy (hence numerous regime changes). I sort of agree with it because if your citizens and governments knowing don't act against such things than you deserve being manipulated for American people to have a safe and prosperous life.
Dont even say that I am paranoid because we have seen how extensively ever bit of information is analysed, mapped and stored.