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“Infrastructure as a code” changes the administrator mindset. It makes them developers and requires from them programmatic skills. It perfectly matches the DevOps concept. Looking at it from the other side – taking care of infrastructure becomes interesting for developers and starts to no longer be considered as a necessary evil.
In the current tools and technology state implementing this approach takes quite a lot of time. Using it for small scale solutions and systems might (let me emphasise: might) not pay off. However, if you are managing several dozen configurations and machines you will notice the benefits quite fast. While implementing new changes might still take more time than in the old approach, full tracking, automation and gained stability will leverage the additional effort.
There will be less and less classical admins in the future. We have see this trend since many years ago. I also expect that “Infrastructure as a code” tools will go into direction when setup and usage will be so simple and user friendly that almost no one will consider configuring infrastructure without them.