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Le SDK permet désormais de créer des extensions pour notamment bloquer les pubs dans le safari de iOS 9 (https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/releasenotes/General/WhatsNewInSafari/Articles/Safari_9.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014305-CH9-SW9).
Nul doute que ça fera parti du top des extensions téléchargées..
Pour le reste voici les 2 paragraphes importants de l'article (selon moi):
An Apple realist might argue that its great rival Google makes more than 90 percent of its revenue from online advertising — a growing share of that on mobile, and a large share of that on iPhone. Indeed, Google alone makes about half of all global mobile advertising revenue. So anything that cuts back on mobile advertising revenue is primarily hurting its rival. (Google has been less friendly to adblockers than its “open” positioning would suggest.)
An Apple cynic might note that the company on Monday unveiled its new News app, which promises a beautiful reading experience — and a monetization model based on Apple’s iAds. iAds will, one can assume, never be blockable by third-party extensions available in the App Store. Ads that appear at the operating system level — as opposed to in HTML and JavaScript on a web page — have a rather invulnerable position so long as you keep using Apple products. (It’s good to be the platform.)
Hahaha, on va bien rigoler.
Sauf ceux qui basent tout leur business sur la pub.
Le problème c'est que ça risque de précipiter la dérive vers un business model plus orienté vers la revente de données (et rendre Google encore plus 'evil').